80 Years on we need to remember the Bravery
Whilst the 15 September is the day we choose to particularly remember the sacrifice of those that took part in the Battle of Britain it was a campaign that lasted from July until October 1940. Even then, the bitter battle in the air continued as aircrew fought against the continued Blitz well into 1941.
We have much to be thankful for, not just to the pilots in the air but to all those that supported them on the ground without whom they could not fly.
The Polish Air Force were a major contribution to the Battle of Britain without whom we would have struggled to succeed. Our Latest book ‘Truly of the Few’ by Dr Penny Starns highlights this contribution and we are delighted that due to the generosity and commitment of Dr Penny Starns, the royalties for this book are going directly to the Polish Air Force Memorial Committee.

I hope that through reading the book you will gain a better understanding of the commitment, dedication and determination of all those in the Polish Air Force.
The Polish Air Force Memorial Committee have produced a short film about the Battle of Britain which I highly commend. The link is below.